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  • Relationships Matter More Than Sales Pitches [Proof]

Relationships Matter More Than Sales Pitches [Proof]

Quick question: If you were to take your sales pitch, roll it into a ball of paper and light it on fire, would you have any luck selling your product without it?

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Quick question: If you were to take your sales pitch, roll it into a ball of paper and light it on fire, would you have any luck selling your product without it? Today, we’re looking at the selling method of a top CEO who’s more or less abandoned sales pitches and… well, you’ll have to keep reading to find out! 

In Today’s Jam

  • Sales Tip of the Day: Sales = Change

  • The Sales Lab: Why Relationships Are More Powerful Than Sales Pitches

  • Weekly Poll

  • Sales Q&A: Building Relationships in Sales

  • 35 Minutes of Expert Cold Calling Tips

  • Sales Scene of the Week: Guess Who’s Back

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The Sales Lab🔬: Change Your Customer’s Perspective

You’ve probably heard it over and over: sales is about relationships, get your customers to trust you. If you’re at a junior level you probably think it’s fugazi.

You’re working less with relationships and more transactions and volume. Besides, you’ll sell to these accounts and move on with your life in a year.

Not so fast.

The higher up you go, the more important it is that you’re forming relationships with customers. In some cases you’ll be handling a handful of enterprise accounts which means whatever your customers think of you will determine the trajectory of your career. 

But how do you turn this into sales? We’re glad you asked. Hold on to your sales pitch.

Right now we’re talking relationships in sales.

“Your Network is Your Networth”

CEO of Exo Mindset, Eduardo Coll has said he’s thrown out traditional sales pitches in favor of “relationships and networks”. Exo Mindset is a Full Stack Software Development company with 90+ developers and clients in more than 10 countries.

Instead of spending the earliest days of his business trying to conjure prospects out of thin air, Coll and his partners pooled their immediate business contacts within the industry for lead generation.

Coll takes on salespersons and introduces them to the networks of C-suite executives. If the employees are technically sound, they are then trained in sales and sent out to (essentially) socialize with the prospects within these networks.

Coll says he encourages his employees to also look into their own networks and leverage the connections they’ve made there. This has empowered the sales component of his business.

Solutions, Not “Sales”

While your conversations with prospects shouldn’t entail you yelling “BUY BUY BUY”, the point is you’re still a salesperson.

Your interactions with prospects should revolve around discovering and solving problems. Use conversation to explore potential issues with no attachment to the outcome. 

One of Eduardo’s most powerful tips revolves around not believing technology can solve all the client's problems.

Instead, through conversation, he helps them discover the most significant problem and then starts working from there.

Especially if solving that problem would have the biggest, most positive impact on the company. 

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Sales Q&A

Building Relationships [in Sales]. Is it Bogus?

It’s Time For That Dream Sales Job…💼

Looking for a new job opportunity in Sales? Search for the latest and greatest jobs here.

Looking to hire someone with great Sales experience? Post your job on The Sales Jam Job Board, here.

Game Changers of the week🔥

35 Minutes of Expert Cold Calling Tips (B2B & Software Sales)

The folks at the Sell Better Daily Sales Show went all-out with this 35-minute deep dive into what it takes to master cold calling. Learn from real, in-the-field experts what they do to remain productive, land meetings and crush it at sales. 

Learning Lessons from Zoom’s 2023 Top Sales Manager

Garrett Graston shares four lessons he’s learned on his sales journey throughout an illustrious career, some of which earned him his spot as Zoom’s 2023 top sales manager.

29 B2B Sales Stats Shaping the Future of B2B Selling

  • 76% of B2B sales players made a structured marketing strategy (WebFX

  • 10% quality content alone can drive half of customer engagement (Mindtickle)

  • 39% of B2B organizations are exploring chatbots for conversational marketing (MarketingCharts)

  • 46% of B2B sales reps are utilizing social media (Demand gen Report)

The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need

Anthony Iannario’s The Only Sales Guide You’ll Ever Need is perfect for sellers in the B2B space and junior sales reps in B2C. If you’re a battle-tested sales pro, maybe skip this one, unless you’re in the mood to brush up on your fundamentals. Either way, it’s a great read for sales professionals.

Sales Scene of the Week🎬

Guess Who’s Back!

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