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- Words You Use To Create Trust (or not)
Words You Use To Create Trust (or not)
Ever wondered where the term “snake oil salesman” came from? Back in the 1800s, the original snake oil was brought to America by Chinese indentured laborers; a product made from the oil of the Chinese water snake—rich in omega 3 acids. American businessmen, namely, Clarke Stanley, the Rattlesnake King, eventually hijacked this concept and created Stanley’s Snake Oil; a gig that lasted a few years until the public uncovered that not only did its ‘healing properties’ not exist, but his product did not in fact contain a single drop of snake oil.
In Today’s Jam
Sales Tip of the Day: Creating Trust and Authority With Competency
The Sales Lab: Create Trust With Different Words
Weekly Poll
Sales Q&A: What Are Some Techniques You Use to Build Trust
Jeb Blount’s Masterclass on Closing the Complex Sale
Today’s story & a Sales Scene
The Sales Lab🔬: Create Trust With Different Words
Psychology plays a big role in our ability to sell.
Many things we do affect prospects on a subconscious level, spurring reactions that both sellers and buyers can be unaware of. One thing that can win or cost you a sale is the words you use. As a sales professional, it’s important that you understand this.
Here are some words sellers need to stop saying to prospects right now.
“Weasel Words” Are Killing Your Deals
Selling is hard. But often than not, it’s the sellers themselves who are restricting their ability to sell a product. Particularly when using what Victor Antonio coins as ‘weasel words’ but in the context of selling.
These are words that suggest uncertainty or a lack of expertise to prospect on a subconscious level. Using them in a sentence might sound something like this:
❌ ”Tim, it sounds like we might be able to help you…”
❌ “Tim, this product could be a good fit…”
In reality customers want you to instill confidence in them to move forward with your product. Using these kinds of words will have the opposite effect.
How to frame your thoughts instead:
✔️ “Tim, based on what you’ve told me about your challenge, this is why x product will help you…”
✔️ “Hey, Tim, your problem reminds me of something that happened at [similar company to Tim’s]... based on that, our solution would be a perfect fit.”
Great Questions Set You Up For Success
The key to establishing credibility through more assertive language is to first ask great questions.
Through active listening, your responses will be much stronger. Especially when using more confident words like “will” as opposed to “might”.
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It’s Time For That Dream Sales Job…💼
Looking for a new job opportunity in Sales? Search for the latest and greatest jobs here.
Looking to hire someone with great Sales experience? Post your job on The Sales Jam Job Board, here.
Game Changers of the week🔥
27 Words to Avoid in Sales—Unless You Like Fumbling the Bag 💰
Check out these 27 words and the ways they psychologically impact your prospects and take you further away from closing the sale.
Jeb Blount’s Masterclass on Closing Complex Deals
Jeb Blount delivers another value-packed manual, outlining the necessity of asking questions and practicing active listening. Notably to put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and from there do as the title states and leverage sales-specific emotional intelligence to work your way to a close. Learn more about it here.
Do Partnerships Really Generate Deals? Sort of
While it may seem like a good idea to develop partnerships prior to a deal. It’s way more practical to close a deal then use that experience to cement your partnerships. “The most successful, committed, sustainable partnerships aren’t built on ‘we should’, they’re built on ‘we have’” - Matt Heinz.
Sales Automation Statistics That Will Shape Your Success in 2025
If you didn’t perfect your sales automation efforts in 2024, you’ll want to change that in 2025. According to a breakdown by Kixie, sales automation is no longer an added advantage, it’s going to be the norm if sellers want to stay ahead.
80% of customers expect a response in 10 minutes
On average, reps spend as much as 19% of their time updating CRMs. As much as a 3rd of their days get consumed by administrative tasks.
90% of Knowledge workers report that automation improved their jobs. They were able to save 5 hrs/week by automating task. And noted a 20% reduction in human error.
Today’s Story
Sales Scene of the Week🎬
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